

Social evenings are held on the third Wednesday of each month except in December, where the Xmas calendar will dictate the socials. We meet in the upstairs room of a pub called The Devereux at 20 Devereux Court, Temple, London WC2R 3JJ (map).

Socialising starts in the pub from 7pm and the main event kicks off at about 8pm in the upstairs room.

Sometimes we have a purely social evening or a quiz night, but socials are talks and slide or movie presentations by outside speakers or talented club members on climbing and mountaineering related topics.

A journey through Africa
Wed 22 May 2024

Due to civil war in Sudan our plans for a road trip from North to South were curtailed before we started. However we endeavoured to make the most of it and travel instead from Kenya around Ethiopia and back into Kenya before heading west to finish in Namibia. During this amazing 10 week journey we saw some truly amazing wildlife, witnessed what felt like the harshest conditions to live and work in the world, did a minuscule amount of climbing where the guides were a hindrance and generally had an amazing time with many stories to remember. Experienced some proper Type 3 fun, well maybe a 2 but not going to do that ever again. Come along to hear more about it.

We meet for drinks from 7pm
The talk starts upstairs at 8pm.


Alain Hosley

Venue Details

The Devereux, 20 Devereux Court, Temple, London WC2R 3JJ